
Recruitment can be time-consuming and complex. Especially when it comes to determining an individual’s fit to role, team and importantly the culture of an organisation.

Audition removes the complexity and streamlines the selection process by matching a candidate’s personality preferences with the role and organisational requirement.

Supporting ‘best fit’ selection

What is Facet5 Audition?

Audition is an online assessment tool that enables informed and effective recruitment, talent management and succession planning decisions. Audition allows organisations to agree the behavioural based role elements that are essential for success prior to selection or development, ensuring ‘best fit’ of a candidate to both role and organisation. The process also provides helpful information on how personal attributes may help or hinder success once in the role, the team and organisation.

How Facet5 Audition works

Audition combines a behavioural role-definition profile with a Facet5 personality profile to produce a range of comprehensive, easy-to-read reports. The Audition process involves:

Define the role

A short questionnaire, taken by a manager or perhaps based on the competencies of ‘star’ performers, enables organisations to agree the key attributes required for success in a role.


Facet5 personality profiles are compared to one or multiple role definition profiles, showing the degree of fit to the role or competency. Candidates can be compared to a single role profile or meaningfully compared to multiple templates and each other, to assist in the decision making process.


A range of behavioural and situational questions are provided in easy to use, tailored interview guides. These guides support a consistent interview process, meaningful comparisons of candidates and assistance with reference checking.

Ways you can use Audition

Audition supports organisations to make informed and effective decisions where any comparison of profiles, to an ideal, is required. This can include;

The Impact

Audition enables organisations to:

The Audition Report

The Audition package includes a number of reports – samples can be downloaded for all.

Role definition template

A short questionnaire, taken by a manager or perhaps based on the competencies of ‘star’ performers, enables organisations to agree the key attributes required for success in a role.

Comparison report

Supports the selection process; can rank multiple candidates to the role definition template – indicates closeness of fit and those likely to be successful in the role.

Interview guide

Provides an interview structure as well as a selection of tailored, ready to use interview questions. Interview guides are tailored to each candidate.

The Facet5 Profile – at a glance

Sample Report

Download a sample Audition report
Download Sample Report

Languages Available

Currently available in 27 languages
Find out which languages


Approx 20 minutes to complete, 106 questions, reporting immediately available on completion.

PDF Product Sheet

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