Our Core Programs
All our programs are grounded in the science of personality, evidence based coaching psychology, the principals of creativity and performance as well as career and leadership development to realise potential.
Our Programs are delivered by Masters-level qualified executive, career and leadership coach Jessica Symes Toomey
Stepping into Leadership
By Jessica Symes Toomey and Symes Group.The essential and foundation skills and capabilities for all embarking on the role of people management, supervision, and leadership.
- Early to Mid-Career level
- 1 Day Face to Face or 2 x ½ day virtual sessions
Presenting and Communicating with Impact
By Jessica Symes Toomey and Symes Group.The practical and results driven approach to presenting authentically, with gravitas and impact.
- Early, mid-career and senior level
- 1 Day Face to Face or 2 x ½ day virtual sessions
Career Confidence
By Jessica Symes Toomey and Symes Group.Jessica’s signature program that she has been successfully training people in for 15 years to unlock purpose, strengths and career plan to energise, uplift and empower.
- Early to mid-career level
- Cohorts can be mixed gender or female specific.
- 2 Days Face to Face or 4 x ½ day virtual sessions
Team Building - Facet5 Teamscape
By Jessica Symes Toomey and Symes Group.The highly successful team building and performance enhancing teaming session that is grounded in science and data to produce valuable and accurate results, fast. The focus is on enhancing the skills and knowledge for teams to communicate, collaborate and creatively problem solve and make decisions collectively to innovate and create.
- All Career Levels
- 1 Day Face to Face or 2 x ½ day virtual sessions
She Leads - 'Empowered Women in Leadership.'
By Jessica Symes Toomey and Symes Group.As organisations move towards gender equality, the value of quality, evidence-based Women’s Leadership Programs are evident and providing measurable, results driven outcomes for individuals careers, leadership capabilities, diversity and inclusion and gender equality and equality. Symes Group has been designing and delivering Women’s Leadership Programs for over 15 years and it remains one of our signature offerings of expertise and we pride ourselves on being a trusted advisor in this space and experts in this field.
- Mid to senior level
- 2 Days Face to Face or 4 x ½ day virtual sessions
The Thrill of Creative and Inspirational Leadership
By Jessica Symes Toomey and Symes Group.The thriving leader of today is both creative and inspirational, revelling in the thrill of leadership, in a journey of self-discovery and mind bending, expansive growth, that has both commercial success and people results for all who embrace the ride! This is the space in which Symes Group excels and is the leader in the field of combining science, psychology, and creativity into a state-of-the-art leadership program to challenge your leaders in a way that no other program can.
- Senior Level
- 2 Days Face to Face or 4 x ½ day virtual sessions
The Art and Science of Business Creativity
By Jessica Symes Toomey and Symes Group.Never has creativity, creativity and collaboration skills been more important for innovation and commercial success. Creativity has a formula, is measurable, is teachable and able to learn and is like a muscle that can be exercise. Symes Group are leaders in the field of business creativity and our passion to teach, imbed and foster into cultures that thrive, play, have fun, explore, and discover. This program is a must for all who want to embrace thinking laterally and creatively and to create teams that can work together to embrace change and be the change.
- All Career Levels
- 1 Day Face to Face or 2 x ½ day virtual sessions