A business conference with heart

Wobi, The World of Business Ideas Conference is the best leadership and business ideas conference in the world because it presents itself with humanity and heart at the forefront of it's thought leadership.

I attended last year’s face to face Wobi conference and like everyone coming out of a two-year lockout from live events with the expectation of learning and absorbing ideas about business. This was the case but there was a surprising underlying theme to each of the speakers focus and most definitely when I interviewed them one on one regarding their latest work and research and that was the theme of ‘love’ and our ‘collective connectedness’. I had previously interviewed many of the speakers and there was a definite shift in them to a vulnerability and a razor-sharp clarity towards leadership based on ‘love’ and not ‘fear’ and ‘compassion’ over ‘profit’.

Professor Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Founder of Grameen Bank spoke about sustainability, social business and the future of capitalism as well as meeting the challenge of building a world without poverty. From the moment Muhammad stepped on the stage you were completely aware that one of the greatest minds had walked into the room and he had everyone all ‘ears’ and all ‘hearts’.

The World Business Forum brings the best of the best from diverse and varied backgrounds together in a two-day event that is unparalleled to anything that anyone else offers the business community. You walk away changed, inspired, driven, and armed with the practical tools to make positive and impactful change.

If you are looking for a professional development opportunity this year for yourself and or your team, this is it! For information about what is in store at this year’s World Business Forum Conference head to wobi.com/wbf-sydney

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